Our Mind Is More Powerful Than We Think
Our minds are a powerful place. We use it every second of each day whether we realize or not. What we think becomes our reality.
The Child's Mind
Think about little kids, they are so free, pure, happy, and don't have to worry about anything. When they play, their imagination goes wild and they create things into their life. Does this change as we grow up? Do we lose this ability? What if I told you that this ability still lives within you?
Where This Started
After my sister passed; my family and I did a complete 180 with our thoughts, beliefs, and some parts of our personality. We changed, but we changed for the better. Shortly after her death, we started to do research on topics like what happens after death? During this research, we came across some other topics and learned, that she is still around us, that we can channel universal energy through us to assist us and others with different parts of life, also known as Reiki, and that our thoughts create our reality.
My Experience
Over this last year by working on my personal development, getting rid of any thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve me for my best and highest good I feel that I have gotten closer and closer with God. Everything I learned from doing this journey with my family has changed my life in a wonderful way. Now I look at the world differently, think differently, and do things I would have never done before. I started living in abundance instead of lack. Most importantly I started using my imagination; which helped me make Alyssa-bilities part of my reality.
Take Away Message
Our minds are our greatest tool in creating the type of life we want to live. By changing your mindset and using your imagination; you can make your life into anything you want.
Beautiful! Your sister would be so proud of you! 💙💚❤💜