By Alyssa Dickens |
When My Love For Books Began
I'll be honest. I have never really been a really big reader until now. When I was a little girl I remember my mom reading to me each night and that I use to love it a lot, but as far as me picking up a book and reading it myself; I didn't do it very often. Now I look back and have no clue why I didn't read. Maybe I thought it was boring or something. I have no clue, but that was back then. I think my true love for books started after I had a fight with technology.
Something I've Notice
Personal Development is an important aspect of everyone's life. Whether it be learning something new, taking a walk, or even reading a book. All these activities and more fall under the category of personal development. Recently, when I started reading "See Me" by Nicolas Sparks I realized two things. The first thing is that reading is fun and secondly that each book takes you on an adventure without actually moving. Within the last week, since I starting my love for reading I have made the time each day for myself to read the book that I have almost finished reading a 31 chapter book. Now I totally get why my mom said she can't read a book during the school year.
Action Item
Everyone has time for working on their personal development. Its weather you make the time that matters. Each day, I want you to set aside some time; whether it be half an hour or 2 hours to do something for yourself.
You Matter Too!
I love reading. Even now, sitting down to read to you and Daddy is fun for me. 💜 By the way, you didn't read much yourself because the print was too small for you to see. It bugged you. 😉