
Life isn't about finding yourself; Life is about creating yourself!

We Are Always Changing 

Throughout life, we are constantly growing and changing.  Think of hobbies.  As kids, we play with toys,  play make-believe games, and color. At least that's what I did. Then when we become teenagers we find new interests like listening to music,  texting with friends, and maybe drawing or singing. At this point, we don't really have the same interests in the things we did as kids. Many years down the road when we go from being a teenager to adults our interests change yet again. We are always changing.

What I Believe

I believe we don't truly find ourselves. I believe that everything from situations we encounter to the hobbies we like is parts of us that we are creating. Throughout our life, we are creating new visions of ourselves that all fit together into one being that is us. Every little part of us that we create from a kid is smooshed together to create our personalities. Our own unique self.

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