
Grow Your Mind Like A Muscle

The Power Of The Mind

The mind is a powerful place. Whether we realize it or not we can control our situations, feelings, health, and overall our lives by making the choice of changing our mindsets. Just like anything though, it takes time, dedication, and practice, but how do we change our mindset? Let's find out.

Ways To Change Your Mindset

Changing our mindset is one of the biggest parts of creating the life that you want to live.  That and having the willpower to want to change your life. Before I started my personal development journey I didn't realize how powerful our minds really are. As I started reading different articles and watching different shows on tv, I started learning different ways to change my mindset and build the muscle which is my mind. A few things I learned to do include; speaking as if I already have what I want in my life, saying things in a way that shows a positive growth mindset, creating a vision board to help keep you focused on what you want in life, and meditating.

My Experience

As I said earlier, changing your mindset takes time, dedication, and practice, but it is worth it in the long hall. In my opinion, my favorite strategy that I shared with you would have to be meditation. We will go more in-depth about this tomorrow, but for today meditation is the best way to build-up the power of the mind. When I started meditating, it was tricky to try to calm my mind during the length of different guided meditation that I found on youtube. My mind would constantly be thinking of other things I needed to do or wanted to do that day. I didn't give up though; I just kept practicing and was dedicated enough to spend the time to build this muscle that it became easier and easier to calm my mind and in a way control it as well.

Challenge To You

There are so many ways to change your mindset and to build this muscle to work with you not against you. I challenge you to try one or all of the strategies that I mentioned up above and I promise you that if you stick with it that you will see changes in your life. 

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1 comment:

  1. You're right. How we talk to ourselves is very important. Great article!
