Everything is Energy
Everything around us is made of and holds energy whether it is positive or negitive. In Fact, God created the whole world out of energy. If we take a minute to look at our current surroundings everything from the the tables we eat our meals at to the devices we use to read this very blog is a form of energy; but what if I told you that we are also made of energy? Yes, I know it may be hard for some of you to wrap your head around the idea so I am going to give it a minute to sink in. Ok are you guys ready to contenue?
With everything I have learned through research, talking with others, and expiriencing the technics for myself I have discovered that we can actually connect to the power within us to heal our bodies in amazing ways through energy.
What Will I Cover in this Blog?
In this blog I will analysis what one of my top favorite songs in the world means to me, discus how it is possible to heal ourselves through energy, provide the hand positions to do a self Reiki treatment, and share two times that I have healed myself through energy.
Our God
Our God By chris tomlinLate last night as my family and I made the grueling 21 hour drive back to Colorado Springs from Georgia to get more of our belongings this song came on the radio. As I sat in the back seat with my four dogs who had plenty of room; but dicided to lay on one another to create a doggy pile on top of me I started singing along to the song. There is many reasons why I love this strong the beat, the words, just because it is a song about God; but the biggest reason I love this song is because of the meaning of it that reminds people of all the wonders God can do and that he is always with us no matter what situation we find ourselves in life.
Once the song went off, I sat there replaying the song in my head and realized that at least to me it goes way further than just a reminder that God is always with us.
Some of the thoughts that came into my mind include
- The many blessings he gave my family over the years from helping my parents through my medical stuff, providing us with the opertunities to have the money to help my little sister with her mental illness, live life how we want to,and providing us with the change to get a new start in Georgia.
- All the times he protected us with car accidents, making decisions, keeping us safe in a tropical storm the night we closed on our house in Georgia, and providing us comfort when we heard a bobcat let out a scary screetch in the middle of nowhere which was also very close to our house the night after closing and sounded like a women screaming loudly.
- That we all are a nation under God
- He created us in the image of himself so he can live life on earth through us
- A reminder that we have the power within us to do amazing things
Some people may not agree with me and that is perfectly ok, but I truly believe that when Jesus was living life on earth as a human that he was more awakened than the other people of his time by being an extended master, healer, and doing things that no other human knew they could do at the time. In the song the writer sings about God "opening the eyes of the blind" in his beginning stanza I truly believe that he did this,but I also think that between the belief and trust that the people had in Jesus that he could heal them just by touching a part of him or by Jesus laying his hands on them and the confidence that Jesus had in himself to help the people that were in need which I think is a big part in what helped them heal quickly in the way they did at the time.
How Can We Heal Ourselves Through Energy?
Being a part of God is actually pretty cool because we all have the ability deep down to learn how to access our inner powers that God gave to each and every one of us. No, we may not be able to walk on water or have disciples that are around us like Jesus did, but we do have the power of the mind, the power to control ones life, and the power to heal ourselves or others through energy. How you may be asking yourself? There are two ways that I have found that one can learn in order to develop these gifts.
Learning to master the mind is the biggest step that one needs to master in order to unlock the hidden gifts within ourselves. One of the best ways I found to build the mind like a muscle is to spend a certain amount of time in meditation each day to help clear it, discover ourselves, and speak what we want into our lives into our exsistance. Meditation has been part of my day to day life whether I did an hour long meditation or just a few minutes at a time; but I have gotten to the point where I set the intentions for bigger objects to fit into small places like when my family was selling our air hokey table to get rid of things we no longer used so we had less things to put in a truck to move to Georgia. When someone was interested in the table my family drove our Honda CR-V to meet the family at our storage unit in which they arrived in a smaller van. For a while my parents thought it wouldn't fit in the back of their van and thought we were in a pickle with not having a car that would hold this big air hockey table, but then I set the intention that it would easily fit in the back of their van and a few minutes later the table fit easily in the van and we sold the table.
Learning how to do Reiki is the biggest way I have healed myself through the use of intention, hand positions, and trusting in myself that I can heal myself.
Steps to doing a self reiki treatment
The nice thing about doing healing work with energy is that you don't have to use your hands in order for it to work; but it is always an option if you are the type of person who likes the hands on technique.
These steps include;
- Sit in a place where you won't get destracted. Preferably in a area where you don't do any other activity and where you can sit cris cross your legs to help you get relaxed; but not to the point of falling asleep during the session.
- Connecting to reiki energy. I normally say something along the lines of " I call upon Reiki energy to assist me in this heal." This allow for the energy to start flowing through the body.
- Setting your intention. Once I connect to Reiki energy I then set my intention for what I want to accomplish during the session. This can be anything that you want to heal within yourself. Reiki doesn't have a limit to what it can heal. An example of what I say is something along the lines of " I ask Reiki energy to assist me by releasing any unwanted energy from my body that no longer serves me for my best and highest good.
- Welcome all extended masters, reiki masters( past, present and future) guides, angels, and any other light beings who want to assist you in the healing to please come forward.
- Drawing the reiki symbols in the air. With your finger draw the following symbols. The first three are for self reiki and the fourth symbol is added to the other three when you send reiki to other people in which you would then do the same process; but ask reiki energy for permission to be a sergeant for that person and then set the intention for what that person wants to heal in that session.
- Doing a body scan. In this step you bring your fingers together at the finger tips horizontally in front of you. Starting from the top of your head slowly move both hands down the front of your body feeling for sticky spots. This can be different for everyone; but for me I can tell I have a lot of unwanted energy in my body by feeling a bunch of tingling in my chrakas ( seven energy points throughout the body). Repeat this scan three times.
- Play soothing music with bells or chimes every three minutes to switch hand positions
- Begin the session by cupping both of your hands and placing them over your eyes. This helps heal and balance the third-eye chakra.
- Once the first three minute timer goes off move down to your cheeks and cup your hands around them for the next three minutes.
- Next, move down to your neck cupping your hands around it until the next ding goes off.
- After that you will move up to the back of your head. Cup your left head and place it on the center of the back of your head. Then cup your right hand and place it on top of your left hand. This helps heal and balance the crown chakra
- The next hand position requires you to place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your throat. This helps heal and balance the throat chakra.
- From there while keeping your left hand on your heart move your right hand down and place it over your left hand. This helps heal and balance the heart chakra.
- You will then move down a little bit and place your hands underneath the bra line for girls and roughly the same area above the belly button for boys in the same hand position you use for the body scan. This helps heal and balance the solar plexus
- Right under your belly button is your next chakra. The hand position is the same as the solar plexus; but this helps heal and balance the sacral chakra
- The final chakra is the root; but it is not the last hand position in the session. With this one you place your hands between your legs to help heal and balance this chakra
- Once you complete the main chakras you know have to work on the smaller energy pocket where you spend three minutes on the back of your root chakra, placing your hands on your kidneys, then on your shoulders, move downs to your knees, then your left foot, and then the right one to heal and balance these areas.
- Once you have done all of the hand positions you will then do another body scan and those sticky areas should feel a lot less intense than when you started
- Finally you will thank reiki energy for helping you with the healing for example "thank you extended masters, reiki masters( past, present, and future) guides, angels, and any other light beings who assisted me in this healing. Thank you."
- End the session
Ways I Have Healed Myself
I have used Reiki for many different things and have been really amazed how I could heal myself each time just through energy. The two biggest times I can recall using reiki for healing and it happened so fast was a few weeks ago when I got a pretty big blister in between my third and fourth toes on my right foot from walking. This blister went from the top of my fourth toe all the way down to where my toes meet my foot and then spread to the top of my fourth toe. It was quite painful to the point it hurt to put a sock on it once I realized that the blister was that bad. I imidently started doing reiki on it for a couple of days with setting my intention that it will heal and within two days it had already scabbed over and healed fast. I did the same process a second time when I accadently kicked the side of my bed and hurt another toe. I set my intention once again that it would heal and within a day or two of doing reiki it was all healed up and I was able to continue to do the activities I love to do each day.
To Conclude
Healing yourself isn't rocket science. All it takes is the right methods, practice, and a mindset of being open to the healing technics and the want to heal when injuries come up. Sometimes it isn't as easy to heal yourself with energy like I did in my situations. Most of the time you will be able to heal an injury through energy; but in some cases it may be harder because there is some sort of lesson you have to learn before you can heal from that injury. Afterall, everything happens for a reason even if it is not clear at the time.
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